
Content editorial guidelines of Pro-Riterz

At Pro-Riterz, every article and guide we publish goes through a strict editorial process. It includes steps such as:

  1. Audience and content marketing research
  2. Content creation
  3. Fact-checking and content editing process
  4. Final check and add expert opinions 
  5. Maintaining content freshness

Our team of subject matter experts, experienced content writers, and expert reviewers follows a five-step process to maintain content quality.

It includes the following steps:

LET US DISCUSS ABOUT THE Five-step process to maintain content quality

Step 1

Audience and content marketing research

Every article we publish on Pro-Riterz starts with audience understanding and content research. It includes understanding key challenges, identifying the searcher intent, and questions our audience have.

We have a team of expert content experts and reviews to create accurate and trustworthy content. To maintain the content quality, we also follow a content writing guidelines exclusive for our team of writers.

Step 2

Content creation

Step 3

Review And Editing Process

One of our focuses is to create content that is trustworthy, accurate, and credible enough for our readers. For this, our editors check the content draft and ensure that every claim and data is backed by credible sources. Also, we occasionally ask industry experts (SEOs, content marketers) to share their insight on the topic.

To maintain the brand tone and style, we include additional elements such as featured images and custom visuals to simplify complex concepts in a guide. We also give a final check on the citations and references included in the article.

Step 4

Final Check And Publishing

Step 5

Content Update

Not every article is a one-time-investment. Some content pieces require weekly edits, while others require a content audit at regular intervals.

At Pro-Riterz, we perform a content audit every 6 months to improve the content freshness, relevance. 

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